IN AN ATTEMPT TO FLOOD THE NET with the great ideas that have been stirring for my whole life, I'm posting many ideas as rapidly as possible. These are not in any particular order and will be later refined. When one wants to start something new, they have to go for it full speed and make it as simple as possible. Otherwise it's hard to start anything! People just get bogged down by the technical side.
I'm always brimming with thousands of ideas, yet I usually over-think them. When I start to formulate my ideas into words or actions, I begin to edit my thoughts internally and then end up stagnating my thinking. I find the best ideas come without blocks or toll roads of the mind. We tend to tell ourselves in order to apply for this job we need this degree first; or instead of talking to this intriguing person we need to be wearing nicer clothes and gel up our hair in order to bring ourselves up to the their level. We don't apply to the job, or we don't start a conversation, we end up stopping entirely and putting ourselves into the void of inaction. Moving past that is a difficult thing to do, but I have found a great technique to at the very least lower the guards of our mind when we want to express our thoughts in writing.
I'm always brimming with thousands of ideas, yet I usually over-think them. When I start to formulate my ideas into words or actions, I begin to edit my thoughts internally and then end up stagnating my thinking. I find the best ideas come without blocks or toll roads of the mind. We tend to tell ourselves in order to apply for this job we need this degree first; or instead of talking to this intriguing person we need to be wearing nicer clothes and gel up our hair in order to bring ourselves up to the their level. We don't apply to the job, or we don't start a conversation, we end up stopping entirely and putting ourselves into the void of inaction. Moving past that is a difficult thing to do, but I have found a great technique to at the very least lower the guards of our mind when we want to express our thoughts in writing.
When I see my writing I tend to edit it and decompose it, but this usually ruins my writing and makes it less along the lines of thoughts on paper, and more like soul-less lines of text. What I've come to realize, is that the editing and identifying mind. Can you remember the last time you wrote something down, and then you took another look and think it's foolish, then scribble it out or throw the paper away because it doesn't sound write or look proper? This editing part of your mind is useful-but is a powerful hindrance to the creative spirit.
I realize in order to be fully creative, I need to let my thoughts flow naturally. That's where this technique comes into play: I type without looking-I close my eyes. I close my eyes and perhaps lie my head on the desk. This way, whatever I type is unedited by my eyes and I can continue to think and brainstorm about what my topic is. When you nullify distractions you can concentrate fully on your great ideas, and fill your documents with a free, thoughtful essence. You can always go back and edit it with that side of the mind later. This comes easy for me as I've been an avid and efficient typist from a very young age. As a child, I've played "Mario Teaches Typing" and another typing game "Mavis Beacon" that drilled the idea into my head that to type quickly one must keep eight fingers on the home row, the keys ASDF and JKL:. I've noticed many young avid Facebook users are lacking this trait. Anyways, While I type with my eyes closed, my thoughts feel as if they are literally transmuted onto the computer screen. It's as if I'm writing with my mind. I always remember longing to perform telepathic feats. Such as lifting objects across the room with my mind to many onlookers fright. This is the closest I have come. A psychic superpower controls my quill, and my thoughts fly onto the screen from my mind.
To further aid this method, when I do happen to check my work or need a little re-cap when I'm writing. All of my creativity seems to be blocked when I look at a Microsoft Word windows screen. Maybe I'm reminded of all those sleepless nights where my 5-15 page paper was due the next day on either that mandatory short story assignment or on that mundane topic. So to remedy this, and when I'm inspired to express my thoughts, I type using a blank grey screen with my written text neatly in the center of the screen. Then I play meditation music with some nice quiet deep gongs with subtle wind chimes. This sounds great, but it seems like too much trouble to set up. But this all-in-one environment for writing is easily possible using the software "OmmWriter". It's a mood word processor. It's interface has a simple grey screen with ambient text and music. I love it, and I still just use the free version (the paid version is just extra music and backgrounds). So when I lift my head up after lots of thinking, my thoughts are nicely packed away in an unobtrusive manner for next time.
I realize in order to be fully creative, I need to let my thoughts flow naturally. That's where this technique comes into play: I type without looking-I close my eyes. I close my eyes and perhaps lie my head on the desk. This way, whatever I type is unedited by my eyes and I can continue to think and brainstorm about what my topic is. When you nullify distractions you can concentrate fully on your great ideas, and fill your documents with a free, thoughtful essence. You can always go back and edit it with that side of the mind later. This comes easy for me as I've been an avid and efficient typist from a very young age. As a child, I've played "Mario Teaches Typing" and another typing game "Mavis Beacon" that drilled the idea into my head that to type quickly one must keep eight fingers on the home row, the keys ASDF and JKL:. I've noticed many young avid Facebook users are lacking this trait. Anyways, While I type with my eyes closed, my thoughts feel as if they are literally transmuted onto the computer screen. It's as if I'm writing with my mind. I always remember longing to perform telepathic feats. Such as lifting objects across the room with my mind to many onlookers fright. This is the closest I have come. A psychic superpower controls my quill, and my thoughts fly onto the screen from my mind.
To further aid this method, when I do happen to check my work or need a little re-cap when I'm writing. All of my creativity seems to be blocked when I look at a Microsoft Word windows screen. Maybe I'm reminded of all those sleepless nights where my 5-15 page paper was due the next day on either that mandatory short story assignment or on that mundane topic. So to remedy this, and when I'm inspired to express my thoughts, I type using a blank grey screen with my written text neatly in the center of the screen. Then I play meditation music with some nice quiet deep gongs with subtle wind chimes. This sounds great, but it seems like too much trouble to set up. But this all-in-one environment for writing is easily possible using the software "OmmWriter". It's a mood word processor. It's interface has a simple grey screen with ambient text and music. I love it, and I still just use the free version (the paid version is just extra music and backgrounds). So when I lift my head up after lots of thinking, my thoughts are nicely packed away in an unobtrusive manner for next time.